"Rework" by 37signals // Thoughts

Rework Front Cover 

This is the review I put on my readernaut account, but I thought I'd share it here as well:


37signals, writers of 'Rework' are the creators behind Basecamp, which we use at work for project management and to keep us on the same page, it's an incredible and simple product. They have other products as well that fill the needs of many small businesses in a tangible way.

And now, for my review of the book: 

I just finished this book, loved it.

It's amazing how complicated the world of 'small business' and 'marketing' has made itself. I would recommend this book to a lot of people I work with, especially certain pages to certain people. I'd love to hear their thoughts on certain things that could possibly set them free from a pressure they feel, or inspire them to change they way the think about what they do. A few paragraphs in this book pointed to certain people could truly change the reason they do what they do. It would focus their passion. I want that for people.

I appreciate what it has to say about being willing to say the hard things when the hard things need to be said. I think that's something necessary in every avenue of life, whether at work or in any relationship. I also love how it talks about your brand being sum of everything that you do and not your logo, or a handful of events or products you poured yourself into. Your brand is everything you are, say, express, create, maintain, and do.

This is a book I could read every few months and get something new out of that would help me cut through the crap that stands in the way of something that could be done differently. I love new. I love progress.I hate change for the sake of change. I love innovation, I love taking risks. This book reminds me there is something to that, and that it's not all just random thoughts that fly through my head.

Read this book, your outlook on solving problems or moving forward with something will change.

Find out more about this book, what other people think about it, and where to get it, here. Also check out 37signals' amazing blog, here.


Posted via web from Colin Harman's Posterous